Predicate: xasaO-a
Roleset id: 01 , to drive away or expel
        Arg0: the expeller
        Arg1: the expelled
        Arg2: source
        Arg3: goal
خسأ الرجل الكلب من البيت
        Arg0 : الرجل
        Gloss: the man
        Arg1 : الكلب
        Gloss: the dog
        Arg2 : من البيت
        Gloss: from the house
Roleset id: 02 , to move away from, to go away from
        Arg0: entity going away
        Arg1: from what
أخسأ * عني
        Arg0 : *? NONE
        Gloss: NONE
        Arg1 : عني
        Gloss: from me