Predicate: xal~aY
Roleset id: 01 , to keep, take care of
        Arg0: entity taking care of
        Arg1: thing being taken care of
ربنا يخلي * لك ولادك
        Arg0 : * ربنا
        Gloss: our God
        Argm-gol : لك
        Gloss: to you
        Arg1 : ولادك
        Gloss: your children
Roleset id: 02 , to force to, to compel to, to make
        Arg0: entity forcing
        Arg1: entity forced
        Arg2: for what
ده أخويا خلى * البيت جنينة
        Arg0 : * أخويا
        Gloss: my brother
        Arg1 : البيت
        Gloss: the house
        Arg2 : جنينة
        Gloss: a garden
Roleset id: 03 , pay attention/take note
        Arg0: Experiencer
        Arg1: attributed to Arg 0
        Arg2: thing needing attention
        Arg3: from what
أنا كلمته خلي * بالك على العيال
        Arg0 : * ه
        Gloss: he
        Arg1 : بالك
        Gloss: your attention
        Arg2 : على العيال
        Gloss: for the kids
Roleset id: 04 , to allow, to make things happen
        Arg0: entity making
        Arg1: things made
        Arg2: attributed to ARG 1
دي مراتي لما تنظف البيت بتخلي * البيت زي المراية
        Arg0 : * مراتي
        Gloss: my wife
        Arg1 : البيت
        Gloss: the house
        Arg2 : زي المراية
        Gloss: like a mirror (so clean)
Roleset id: 05 , to leave someone something for
        Arg0: entity leaving
        Arg1: things left
        Arg2: for whom
(-NONE- *))
(CVSUFF_DO:3P هُم))
(PRON_3P هُمَّ)))
(PREP لِ)
(DET+NOUN التُرْكِيّ))))))
        Arg0 : *? NONE
        Gloss: NONE
        Arg1 : هُم
        Gloss: them
        Arg2 : لِلتُرْكِيّ
        Gloss: for the Turkey
Roleset id: 06 , let go of someone, to leave alone
        Arg0: entity leaving
        Arg1: entity left
        Arg2: attributed to ARG1
يا بنتي خلي * ها في حالها
        Arg0 : * بنتي
        Gloss: my daughter
        Arg1 : ها
        Gloss: her
        Arg2 : في حالها
        Gloss: alone
Roleset id: 07 , to poke one's nose into, to intervene in (multi word expression)
        Arg0: entity intervening
        Arg1: attributed to ARG0
يا بنتي خلي * ك في حالك
        Arg0 : ك
        Gloss: she
        Arg1 : في حالك
        Gloss: in your own bussines
Roleset id: 08 , to feel ashame or to have mercy
        Arg0: entity feeling ashame
        Arg1: arttribute to ARG0
        Arg2: things put (usualy دم or رحمة)
        Arg3: in what
يا راجل خلي * عندك دم
        Arg0 : * راجل
        Gloss: man
        Arg1 : عندك
        Gloss: you
        Arg2 : دم
        Gloss: blood