Predicate: wamaO-i

Roleset id: 01 , to make a sign or signal, to make a gesture

        Arg0: entity giving signal
        Arg1: with what
        Arg2: to what


ومأ الرجل بأصبعه الى البيت

        Arg0 : الرجل
        Gloss: the man
        Arg1 : بأصبعه
        Gloss: with his finger
        Arg2 : الى البيت
        Gloss: to the house

Roleset id: 02 , to councle or advise

        Arg0: agent or giver
        Arg1: receiver
        Arg2: advise


ومأ الأب لأبنه بعدم التدخين

        Arg0 : الأب
        Gloss: the father
        Arg1 : لأبنه
        Gloss: for his son
        Arg2 : بعدم التدخين
        Gloss: not to smoke