Predicate: tasam~ar

Roleset id: 01 , to be nailed

        Arg1: entity nailed
        Arg2: on what
        Arg3: with what


تسمر اللوح

        Arg1 : اللوح
        Gloss: the wooden tablet

Roleset id: 02 , to stand as a pinned to the ground

        Arg0: entity standing
        Arg1: for what


      (ADJ_NUM 3))
    (PUNC .)
          (PV+PVSUFF_SUBJ:3MS أَعَدّ)
            (DET+NOUN الإِعْلام)
            (DET+ADJ المَصْرِي))
            (DET+NOUN الجَماهِير))
            (PREP بِ)
                (NOUN شَكْل))
                  (-NONE- 0))
                    (PV+PVSUFF_SUBJ:3MS جَعَل)
                      (-NONE- *ICH*-3))
                      (-NONE- *T*-1))
                        (-NONE- *-3))
                        (PREP مِن)
                            (DET+ADJ الصَعْب)
                            (NOUN+CASE_INDEF_ACC جِدّاً))))
                        (-NONE- 0)
                            (IV3FS+IV تِقْبَل)
                              (-NONE- *))
                              (DET+NOUN+NSUFF_FEM_SG الهَزِيمَة)))))))))))))
      (PUNC :)
            (VERB_PART لَقَدْ))
          (PV+PVSUFF_SUBJ:3MS تَسَمَّرَ)
            (DET+NOUN الجَمِيع))
            (NOUN أَمام)
              (DET+NOUN+NSUFF_FEM_SG الشاشَة)))
            (NOUN مَعَ)
              (NOUN+NSUFF_FEM_SG صُفّارَة)
                (DET+NOUN الحَكَم))))
            (PREP بِ)
                (NOUN صَرْف)
                (DET+NOUN النَظَر))
                (PREP عَن)
                    (REL_PRON ما))
                      (PV+PVSUFF_SUBJ:3MS حَدَث)
                        (-NONE- *T*-4))
                        (PREP فِي)
                          (DET+NOUN_PROP الخَرْطُوم)))
                        (NOUN بَعْد)
                          (DET+NOUN المُباراة))))))))))))))

        Arg0 : الجَمِيع
        Gloss: every body
        Arg : أَمام الشاشَة
        Gloss: in front of the screen