Predicate: tahAtar
Roleset id: 01 , to fling false accusations at each other
        Arg0: entity disputing
        Arg1: with whom (if separated from ARG0 )
        Arg2: about what
تهاتر الشقيقان حول موضوع الخسارة
        Arg0 : الشقيقان
        Gloss: the two brothers
        Arg2 : حول موضوع الخسارة
        Gloss: about the loss subject
Roleset id: 02 , to be contradictory or conflicting
        Arg1: things contradicting
        Arg2: with what
        Arg3: in what
تهاترت الشهادتان
        Arg1 : الشهادتان
        Gloss: testimonies