Predicate: saq~aT

EGYPTIAN ARABIC based on OasoqaT

Roleset id: 01 , to cause to fall

        Arg0: causer of falling
        Arg1: falling entity


اسقط * ه فى الماء

        Arg0 : *
        Gloss: -NONE-
        Arg1 : ه
        Gloss: him
        Argm-loc : فى الماء
        Gloss: in the water

Roleset id: 03 , overthrow (usually a political regime or party)

        Arg0: causer agent
        Arg1: regime overthrown


أسقط الأميركيون نظام صدام

        Arg0 : الأميركيون
        Gloss: the americans
        Arg1 : نظام صدام
        Gloss: The Saddam regime