Predicate: saHar-a
Roleset id: 01 , to witch, to spell, to magic, to charm
        Arg0: entity charming
        Arg1: entity charmed
        Arg2: method or with what
سحر الفنان الحضور بعزفه
        Arg0 : الفنان
        Gloss: the artist
        Arg1 : الحضور
        Gloss: the audience
        Arg2 : بعزفه
        Gloss: with his play
Roleset id: 02 , to transform
        Arg0: causer
        Arg1: victim
        Arg2: into what
سحر * هم عميانا
        Arg0 : * NONE
        Gloss: NONE
        Arg1 : هم
        Gloss: they
        Arg2 : عميانا
        Gloss: blind