Predicate: saEar-a

Roleset id: 01 , to light, to kindle, to excite, to agitate

        Arg0: fire starter
        Arg1: fire
        Arg2: in what


سعر * النار

        Arg0 : *? NONE
        Gloss: NONE
        Arg1 : النار
        Gloss: the fire

Roleset id: 02 , to throw

        Arg0: entity throwing
        Arg1: things thrown
        Arg2: on whom or on what


سعر* على الناس شرا

        Arg0 : * ? NONE
        Gloss: NONE
        Arg2 : على الناس
        Gloss: on the people
        Arg1 : شرا
        Gloss: evil

Roleset id: 03 , to hurry

        Arg0: entity hurrying
        Arg1: in what


سعر الجمل في سيره

        Arg0 : الجمل
        Gloss: the camel
        Arg1 : في سيره
        Gloss: in his walk