Predicate: ramas-u
Roleset id: 01 , to bury, to cover with dirt
        Arg0: entity covering
        Arg1: things covered
        Arg2: with what
رمست الرياح الأثار بالرمل
        Arg0 : الرياح
        Gloss: the winds
        Arg1 : الأثار
        Gloss: ancient monuments
        Arg2 : بالرمل
        Gloss: with the sand
Roleset id: 02 , to hide or secret
        Arg0: entity hiding
        Arg1: things hiddeen
        Arg2: from whom
رمس الطالب نتيجته عن والده
        Arg0 : الطالب
        Gloss: the student
        Arg1 : نتيجته
        Gloss: his test results
        Arg2 : عن والده
        Gloss: fromhis father