Predicate: nasaO-a
Roleset id: 01 , to delay
        Arg0: entity delaying
        Arg1: things delayed
        Arg2: the beneficiary
نسأ الله أجله
        Arg0 : الله
        Gloss: God
        Arg1 : أجله
        Gloss: moment of death
Roleset id: 02 , to mix with water
        Arg0: mixer
        Arg1: things mixed
        Arg2: with what
نسأت المرأة اللبن بالماء
        Arg0 : المرأة
        Gloss: the woman
        Arg1 : اللبن
        Gloss: the yogurt
        Arg2 : بالماء
        Gloss: with water