Predicate: nabar-i
Roleset id: 01 , to raise the voice
        Arg0: entity raising the voice
        Arg1: attributed to ARG 0
نبر المغني في غنائه
        Arg0 : المغني
        Gloss: the singer
        Arg1 : في غنائه
        Gloss: in his singing
Roleset id: 02 , to restrain or deter
        Arg0: agent
        Arg1: victim
        Arg2: for what
نبرت الأم أبنها على عمله
        Arg0 : الأم
        Gloss: the mother
        Arg1 : أبنها
        Gloss: her son
        Arg2 : على عمله
        Gloss: for what he did
Roleset id: 03 , to lift quickly
        Arg0: lifter
        Arg1: things lifted
        Arg2: from what
نبر المقاتل الرمح عنه
        Arg0 : المقاتل
        Gloss: the warior
        Arg1 : الرمح
        Gloss: the spear
        Arg2 : عنه
        Gloss: from him