Predicate: naZ~am

Roleset id: 01 , to organise/ hold

        Arg0: organiser
        Arg1: thing/event organised
        Arg2: beneficiary


(S (and Mwa- M وَ-)
   (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 (after M-baEodamA M -بَعْدَما))
             (S (VP (arrange/organize/regulate+they MnaZ~amuwA M نَظَّمُوا)
                    (NP-SBJ (-NONE- X))
                    (NP-OBJ (NP (marches/parades MmasiyrAtK M مَسِيراتٍ)
                                (crowded/numerous MHA$idapF M حاشِدَةً))
                            (PP-LOC (in Mfiy M فِي)
                                    (NP (NP (the+streets MAl$~awAriEi M الشَّوارِعِ)
                                            (the+main/principal MAlr~a}iysiy~api M الرَّئِيسِيَّةِ))
                                        (PP-LOC (in Mfiy M فِي)
                                                (NP (Seoul Msiyuwl M سِيُول))))))
                    (ADVP-TMP-1 (-NONE- XTX)))))

        Arg0 : X
        Gloss: NP-SBJ (-NONE- *)
        Arg1 : masiyrAtK HA$idapF fiy Al$~awAriEi Alr~a}iysiy~api fiy siyuwl
        Gloss: many parades in the main streets in Seoul
        Argm-tmp : XTX - O-baEodamA
        Gloss: *T* - < after