Predicate: ma$~aY

Roleset id: 01 , to make walk

        Arg0: agent, causer
        Arg1: victim


مشى الرجل ابنه في النار

        Arg0 : الرجل
        Gloss: the man
        Arg1 : ابنه
        Gloss: his son
        Argm-loc : في النار
        Gloss: in the fire

Roleset id: 02 , to run a place or work, to take care of (Egyption, Iraqi)

        Arg0: entity running things
        Arg1: things running


يقدر يمشي * المحل لوحده

        Arg0 : *? NONE
        Gloss: NONE
        Arg1 : المحل
        Gloss: the store
        Argm-mnr : لوحده
        Gloss: alone

Roleset id: 03 , to make other accept or believe a lie, to make things pass on others

        Arg0: causer
        Arg1: things made pass
        Arg2: on whom


        (IV3P+IV+IVSUFF_SUBJ:P يِمْشُوا)
          (-NONE- *))
          (IVSUFF_DO:3FS ها))
          (PREP عَلَى)
                (DET+NOUN العالَم))
                (NOUN_QUANT كُلّ)
                  (POSS_PRON_3MS ُه))))))))
    (CONJ بَسّ)
        (DET+NOUN العَرَب))
        (NEG_PART لا)))))

        Arg0 : *? NONE
        Gloss: NONE
        Arg1 : ها
        Gloss: it
        Arg2 : عَلَى العالَم كُلّه
        Gloss: on the whole world

Roleset id: 04 , to expel, to fire

        Arg0: causer
        Arg1: entity expeled
        Arg2: from what


        (SUB_CONJ إِن)
            (PV+PVSUFF_SUBJ:3MS كان)
              (PREP فِي)
                (PRON_3MS ُه)))
              (NOUN تَواطُؤ)))))
        (CONJ فَ))
        (DEM_PRON_MS دَه))
        (NOUN+CASE_INDEF_ACC غالِباً))
        (NOUN تَواطُؤ)
        (ADJ داخِلِي))
        (PREP عَلَى)
          (NOUN شَأْن)
              (IV3P+IV+IVSUFF_SUBJ:P يِمَشُّوا)
                (-NONE- *))
                  (DET+NOUN_PROP الجَنْزُورِيّ))
                (CONJ أَو)
                  (NOUN وَزِير)
                    (DET+NOUN+NSUFF_FEM_SG الداخْلِيَّة)))))))))
    (CONJ وَ)
        (PREP فِي)
          (NOUN_QUANT كُلّ)
            (DET+NOUN+NSUFF_FEM_PL الحالات))))
            (CONJ لا))
          (DET+NOUN الجَيش))
        (CONJ وَ)
            (CONJ لا))
          (DET+NOUN+NSUFF_FEM_SG الحُكُومَة)))
        (PV+PVSUFF_SUBJ:3FS كانِت)
          (-NONE- *T*-1))
          (ADJ+NSUFF_FEM_SG مَسْؤُولَة)
            (ADJ+CASE_INDEF_ACC جِنائِيّاً))
                (NO_FUNC عنه)))))))
    (PUNC .)
    (PUNC .)))

        Arg0 : *? NONE
        Gloss: NONE
        Arg1 : الجَنْزُورِيّ أَو وَزِير الداخْلِيَّة
        Gloss: Aljanzoory or the Interior Minister