Predicate: kat~ar
EGYPTIAN ARABIC based on OakovarRoleset id: 02 , to increase
        Arg0: entity causer
        Arg1: things increased
        Arg2: in what
(FUT_PART حَ))
(IV1S+IV اَكَتَّر)
(-NONE- *))
(NOUN عَدَد)
(DET+NOUN المَحاكِم)
(CONJ وَ)
(DET+NOUN+NSUFF_FEM_SG القُضاَة))))
(PUNC .)
(PUNC .))
(PREP عَلَى)
(NOUN شَأْن)
(DET+NOUN+NSUFF_FEM_PL المُنازَعات))
(REL_PRON اللِّي))
(IV3FS+IV تِقْعُد)
(-NONE- *T*-1))
(PREP بِ)
(DET+NOUN+NSUFF_MASC_PL السِنِين)))))))))
(IV3FS+IV تِخْلَص)
(-NONE- *))
(ADV بَدْرِي)))))
        Arg0 : * NONE
        Gloss: NONE
        Arg1 : عَدَد المَحاكِم وَ القُضاَة
        Gloss: the number of courts and judges