Predicate: kab~-u

Roleset id: 01 , to pour, to empty

        Arg0: entity pouring
        Arg1: thing poured
        Arg2: starting point
        Arg3: end point


كب الطفل الحليب من القدح على الارض

        Arg0 : الطفل
        Gloss: the kid
        Arg1 : الحليب
        Gloss: the milk
        Arg2 : من القدح
        Gloss: from the glass
        Arg3 : على الارض
        Gloss: on the floor

Roleset id: 02 , to overturn, to turn upside down

        Arg0: entity turning
        Arg1: things turned upside down (Usually followed with على )


كب الطفل الاناء

        Arg0 : الطفل
        Gloss: the kid
        Arg1 : الاناء
        Gloss: the plate

Roleset id: 03 , to knock down, to throw down

        Arg0: entity defeating
        Arg1: entity defeated


كب المصارع خصمه على وجهه

        Arg0 : المصارع
        Gloss: the wrestler
        Arg1 : خصمه
        Gloss: opponent