Predicate: jas~-u

Roleset id: 01 , to touch or feel, to feel someone's pulse, to probe, to examine

        Arg0: entity touching
        Arg1: entity touched
        Arg2: the part touched or examined


جس الطبيب نبض المريض

        Arg0 : الطبيب
        Gloss: the doctor
        Arg2 : نبض
        Gloss: the pulse
        Arg1 : المريض
        Gloss: the patient

Roleset id: 02 , to look for or at

        Arg0: entity looking
        Arg1: entity looked at


جاء الرجل يجس * أخبار أهله

        Arg0 : * الرجل
        Gloss: the man
        Arg1 : أخبار أهله
        Gloss: his family news