Predicate: jabar-u

Roleset id: 01 , to set, to splint ( broken bones) , to repair or mend

        Arg0: fixer
        Arg1: things fixed
        Arg2: beneficiary


جبر الطبيب عظام المصاب

        Arg0 : الطبيب
        Gloss: the doctor
        Arg1 : عظام
        Gloss: the bones
        Arg2 : المصاب
        Gloss: the injured

Roleset id: 02 , to comfort ,to help or assist (multi word expression)

        Arg0: entity assisting
        Arg1: with what
        Arg2: assisted one


جبر المعلم حاجة المحتاج

        Arg0 : المعلم
        Gloss: the master
        Arg1 : حاجة
        Gloss: the need
        Arg2 : المحتاج
        Gloss: the person in need

Roleset id: 03 , to force, to compele to

        Arg0: forcer
        Arg1: entity forced
        Arg2: to do what


جبر الرجل ولده على النوم

        Arg0 : الرجل
        Gloss: the man
        Arg1 : ولده
        Gloss: his son
        Arg2 : على النوم
        Gloss: to sleep