Predicate: gilib

Roleset id: 01 , to defeat

        Arg0: entity victorious
        Arg1: entity defeated


      (PV_PASS+PVSUFF_SUBJ:3FS ذكرت)
        (NOUN_PROP روما))
        (-NONE- *-3))
        (PREP ب)
            (NOUN+CASE_DEF_GEN اسم)
              (POSS_PRON_3FS ها)))
            (DET+ADJ+CASE_DEF_GEN العلني))))
        (PREP في)
          (DET+NOUN_PROP+CASE_DEF_GEN القرآن)))
        (PUNC -LRB-)
            (PV+PVSUFF_SUBJ:3FS غلبت)
              (DET+NOUN_PROP+CASE_DEF_NOM الروم))
              (PREP في)
                  (ADJ_COMP اقصى)
                    (DET+NOUN+CASE_DEF_GEN الارض)))))))
        (PUNC -RRB-))))
  (PUNC ,)

        Arg1 : الروم
        Gloss: Roman

Roleset id: 02 , to give up, to get tired

        Arg0: entity giving up
        Arg1: in what


أنا غلبت * معاهم

        Arg0 : * أنا
        Gloss: he
        Arg1 : معاهم
        Gloss: with them

EGYPTIAN ARABIC based on galab-i

Roleset id: 03 , to dominate or prevail

        Arg0: entity prevailing
        Arg1: on what


      (CONNEC_PART فَ)
        (DET+NOUN_PROP التَحْرِير))
        (IV3MS+IV تِغلِب)
          (PREP عَلَى)
              (PRON_3MS ُه))
              (-NONE- *T*-2))))
          (NOUN+NSUFF_FEM_SG حَماسَة)
            (DET+NOUN الشَباب)))))
    (CONJ وِ)
        (DET+NOUN_PROP+NSUFF_FEM_SG العَبّاسِيَّة))
        (IV3MS+IV تِغلِب)
          (PREP عَلَى)
              (PRON_3MS ُه))
              (-NONE- *T*-1))))
            (NOUN+NSUFF_FEM_SG رَجاحَة)
              (DET+NOUN العَقْل)))
              (REL_PRON الَّتِي))
                (IV3MS+IV تَخْشَى)
                  (-NONE- *T*-3))
                  (PREP عَلَى)
                    (DET+NOUN البِلاد)))
                  (PREP مِن)
                    (DET+NOUN الفِتَن)))))))))
          (NO_FUNC ولابد))
          (-NONE- *))
          (SUB_CONJ إِنّ)
              (IV3MS+IV يِتوَحَّد)
                (DET+NOUN+NSUFF_MASC_DU الفَرِيقان))
                (PREP حَتَّى)
                    (NO_FUNC تعبر)
                      (NOUN_PROP مَصْر))
                        (DEM_PRON_F هٰذِهِ))
                        (DET+NOUN+NSUFF_FEM_SG الأَزْمَة)))))))))))))

        Arg1 : عليه
        Gloss: on it
        Arg0 : رجاحة العقل
        Gloss: the wisdom of the mind