Predicate: gamaz-i
Roleset id: 01 , to wink at
        Arg0: entity winking
        Arg1: with what
        Arg2: to whom
غمز الشاب بعينه لصاحبته
        Arg0 : الشاب
        Gloss: the young boy
        Arg1 : بعينه
        Gloss: with his eyes
        Arg2 : لصاحبته
        Gloss: to his girl friend
Roleset id: 02 , to slander, to speak evil of
        Arg0: agent
        Arg1: victim
        Arg2: for what or with what
غمز الرجل صاحبه
        Arg0 : الرجل
        Gloss: the man
        Arg1 : صاحبه
        Gloss: his friend
Roleset id: 03 , to push or press on
        Arg0: entity pressing
        Arg1: things pressed
        Arg2: with what
غمز الرجل زر الجرس بأصبعه
        Arg0 : الرجل
        Gloss: the man
        Arg1 : زر الجرس
        Gloss: the bell's button
        Arg2 : بأصبعه
        Gloss: with his finger