Predicate: galiT-a

Roleset id: 01 , to make or commit a mistake, to err

        Arg0: entity making the mistake
        Arg1: in what


انا غلطت * في المجموع

        Arg0 : * انا
        Gloss: he
        Arg1 : في المجموع
        Gloss: in the total

Roleset id: 02 , to insult or offend

        Arg0: insulter
        Arg1: insulted
        Arg2: with what


        (IV1P+IV نِغْلَط)
          (-NONE- *))
          (PREP فِي)
            (NOUN_QUANT بَعْض)))))
    (CONJ وِ)
        (IV1P+IV نِقُول)
          (-NONE- *))
          (INTERJ مَعْلِش)
          (FOREIGN swry))))
    (CONJ وِ)
        (IV3FS+IV تِعَدِّي)
          (-NONE- *))))))

        Arg0 : *? NONE
        Gloss: NONE
        Arg1 : في بعض
        Gloss: in each other