Predicate: ga$aY

Roleset id: 01 , to mist , to fog, to obscure, to cover

        Arg1: things or intity getting fogged
        Arg2: with what


حزن غشى * النفس والخاطر عليل

        Arg2 : * حزن
        Gloss: sadness
        Arg1 : النفس
        Gloss: the soul

Roleset id: 02 , to overlay, to coat

        Arg0: entity coating
        Arg1: things coated
        Arg2: with what


غشى النحات التمثال بالذهب

        Arg0 : النحات
        Gloss: the sculptor
        Arg1 : التمثال
        Gloss: the statue
        Arg2 : بالذهب
        Gloss: with gold

Roleset id: 03 , to faint (multi word expression) (يغشى عليه)

        Arg1: what cause faint
        Arg2: entity fainting


    (CONJ وِ)
      (PV+PVSUFF_SUBJ:3FS كانِت)
        (-NONE- *))
          (DET+NOUN+NSUFF_FEM_SG المُفاجأَة))
              (REL_PRON الَّتِي))
                  (NEG_PART لا))
                  (NO_FUNC يضاهيها)
                    (-NONE- *T*-1)))
                  (NOUN+NSUFF_FEM_SG مُفاجْأَة)))))
              (-NONE- 0))
                (PV+PVSUFF_SUBJ:3FS جَعَلِت)
                  (-NONE- *T*-2))
                  (PVSUFF_DO:1S نِي))
                      (IV1S+IV اَضْحَك)
                        (-NONE- *-4))))
                  (CONJ وِ)
                      (IV1S+IV اَضْحَك)
                        (-NONE- *))
                        (PREP حَتَّى)
                          (-NONE- 0)
                              (PV+PVSUFF_SUBJ:3MS كاد)
                                (SUB_CONJ أَنّ)
                                    (IV3MS+IV يِغشَى)
                                      (-NONE- *))
                                      (PREP عَلَى)
                                        (PRON_1S ِي)))))))))))))))))))
    (PUNC .)))

        Arg1 : *? NONE
        Gloss: NONE
        Arg2 : عليه
        Gloss: on him