Predicate: fazaE-a

Roleset id: 01 , to be afraid or scared

        Arg0: entity scared
        Arg1: from what


فزع الطفل من ظله

        Arg0 : الطفل
        Gloss: the baby or the kid
        Arg1 : من ظله
        Gloss: from his shadow

Roleset id: 02 , to resort to, to have recourse to

        Arg0: entity resorting to
        Arg1: to whom
        Arg2: for what
        Arg3: from whom or what


فزع الولد الى والده للحماية من اولاد الشارع

        Arg0 : الولد
        Gloss: the kid
        Arg1 : الى والده
        Gloss: to his father
        Arg2 : للحماية
        Gloss: for protection
        Arg3 : من اولاد الشارع
        Gloss: from the street kids

Roleset id: 03 , to support

        Arg0: supporter
        Arg1: supported
        Arg2: against who


فزع الجمهور فريقه في البطولة ضد الفريق الضيف

        Arg0 : الجمهور
        Gloss: the multitude
        Arg1 : فريقه
        Gloss: his team
        Arg2 : ضد الفريق الضيف
        Gloss: against the guest team