Predicate: faraq-u

Roleset id: 01 , to separate, to distinguish

        Arg0: separater
        Arg1: first entity/thing
        Arg2: second entity/thing


فَرَق *  بين المتخاصمين

        Arg0 : -NONE- *?
        Gloss: NONE
        Arg1 : بين المتخاصمين
        Gloss: between two disputing parties

Roleset id: 02 , to part the hair

        Arg0: agent
        Arg1: things parted
        Arg2: instrument used ( Usually marked by بـ )


فَرَق *  شعره بالمشط

        Arg0 : -NONE- *?
        Gloss: NONE
        Arg1 : شعره
        Gloss: his hair
        Arg2 : بالمشط
        Gloss: with the comb

Roleset id: 03 , to matter / make a difference / be of importance

        Arg1: thing that matters
        Arg2: matters to whom


الموضوع ما بيفرقش * معي

        Arg1 : * > الموضوع
        Gloss: -NONE- > the subject
        Arg2 : معي
        Gloss: to me

لا يفرق معي أن أتيت أو لا

        Arg1 : معي
        Gloss: with me
        Arg2 : أن أتيت أو لا
        Gloss: if you would come or not