Predicate: daw~ar

Roleset id: 01 , to search

        Arg0: searcher
        Arg1: thing searched for
        Arg2: location


الواد كان بيدور * على حاجة في العربية

        Arg0 : * الواد
        Gloss: the boy
        Arg1 : على حاجة
        Gloss: for something
        Arg2 : في العربية
        Gloss: in the car

Roleset id: 02 , to invest, to use

        Arg0: invester
        Arg1: invested
        Arg2: in what


      (IV3MS+IV يِبْقَى)
        (-NONE- 0)
              (PRON_1S انا))
              (PV+PVSUFF_SUBJ:1S وَفَّرت)
                (-NONE- *T*-1))
                (PREP لِ)
                  (NOUN نَفْس)
                    (POSS_PRON_1S ِي))))))
          (CONJ وِ)
              (PV+PVSUFF_SUBJ:1S دَوَّرت)
                (-NONE- *))
                (DET+NOUN الفِلُوس))
                (PREP فِي)
                  (NOUN اِقْتِصاد)
                    (NOUN بَلَد)
                      (POSS_PRON_1S ِي)))))))
          (CONJ وِ)
              (PV+PVSUFF_SUBJ:1S دَخَّلت)
                (-NONE- *))
                (PREP لِ)
                  (DET+NOUN البَلَد)))
                  (NOUN فِلُوس))
                    (NEG_PART مِش))
                  (NOUN مَواد)
                  (ADJ+NSUFF_FEM_SG اِسْتِهْلاكِيَّة))))))))))

        Arg0 : *? NONE
        Gloss: NONE
        Arg1 : الفِلُوس
        Gloss: the money
        Arg2 : فِي اِقْتِصاد بَلَد ِي
        Gloss: in my contry economy

هو * قاعد يدور على مصلحته

        Arg0 : * هو
        Gloss: him
        Arg1 : على مصلحته
        Gloss: for his interest

Roleset id: 03 , to make go in circle, to make something turn

        Arg0: causer
        Arg1: things going around
        Arg2: on whom


الراجل دور * المشروب على الحاضرين

        Arg0 : * الراجل
        Gloss: the man
        Arg1 : المشروب
        Gloss: the drink
        Arg2 : على الحاضرين
        Gloss: on the guests

Roleset id: 04 , to start a car (multi word expression)

        Arg0: starter
        Arg1: things started


أنا دورت * العربية

        Arg0 : * أنا
        Gloss: I
        Arg1 : العربية
        Gloss: the car