Predicate: Xar~ay

Roleset id: 01 , to winnow, to scatter, to fan (grain)

        Arg0: entity scattering
        Arg1: things scattered


ذرت الريح التراب

        Arg0 : الريح
        Gloss: the wind
        Arg1 : التراب
        Gloss: the dirt

Roleset id: 02 , to cut, to clip, to fleece (wool)

        Arg0: cutter
        Arg1: beneficiary


ذرى * الشاة

        Arg0 : *? NONE
        Gloss: NONE
        Arg1 : الشاة
        Gloss: the sheep

Roleset id: 03 , to protect,

        Arg0: protector
        Arg1: protected
        Arg2: from what


ذرى * أخاه من الخطر

        Arg0 : *? NONE
        Gloss: NONE
        Arg1 : أخاه
        Gloss: his brother
        Arg2 : من الخطر
        Gloss: from the danger