Predicate: Saraf

Roleset id: 01 , to spend or use money

        Arg0: buyer
        Arg1: thing spent
        Arg2: on what


واكد * ان " البلدية تعمل **-1 على مساعدة الدولة عبر موقع بحمدون الاصطيافي والسياحي , اذ ان المصطاف يصرف **-2 الاموال في اسواقنا - . . - لذا علينا ان نستورد * بشراً من المصطافين والسائحين " .

        Arg0 : **-2 < المصطاف
        Gloss: -NONE- < the tourist
        Arg1 : الاموال
        Gloss: money
        Argm-loc : في اسواقنا
        Gloss: in our markets

Roleset id: 04 , to deal with, to take care of

        Arg0: entity taking care
        Arg1: of what
        Arg2: how


                    (DET+NOUN+NSUFF_FEM_SG الحُكُومَة))
                    (DET+ADJ+NSUFF_FEM_SG القابِعَة)
                      (PREP فِي)
                        (DET+NOUN+NSUFF_FEM_SG القَرْيَة)
                        (DET+ADJ+NSUFF_FEM_SG الذَكِيَّة)))))
                (PUNC .)
                (PUNC .)
                      (REL_PRON الَّتِي))
                        (PV+PVSUFF_SUBJ:3FS تَرَكِت)
                          (-NONE- *T*-1))
                          (NOUN شَعبَ)
                            (POSS_PRON_3FS ها)))
                          (PREP فِي)
                            (DET+NOUN الشارِع)))
                            (IV3MS+IV يِصْرِف)
                              (-NONE- *-4))
                              (NOUN اُمُور)
                                (POSS_PRON_3MS ُه)))
                              (PREP بِ)
                                (NOUN نَفْس)
                                  (POSS_PRON_3MS ُه))))
                            (PUNC ,)
                            (PUNC ,))))))

        Arg0 : * شعبها
        Gloss: it's people
        Arg1 : اموره
        Gloss: his matters
        Arg2 : بنفسه
        Gloss: by him self

EGYPTIAN ARABIC based on Saraf-i

Roleset id: 05 , to pay

        Arg0: payer
        Arg1: things payed
        Arg2: to whom


      (NOUN_NUM 2))
    (PUNC -)
        (FUT_PART حَ))
      (IV1P+IV نِصْرِف)
        (-NONE- *))
        (PREP لِ)
          (PRON_3P هُم)))
        (NOUN تَعْوِيض)))))

        Arg0 : *? NONE
        Gloss: NONE
        Arg2 : لهم
        Gloss: to them
        Arg1 : تعويض
        Gloss: compensation