Predicate: SadaE-a
Roleset id: 01 , to split or cleave, to break or crack
        Arg0: entity breaking
        Arg1: things broken
        Arg2: instrument (Usually come after بـ)
صدع العامل الحائط بالمعول
        Arg0 : العامل
        Gloss: the worker
        Arg1 : الحائط
        Gloss: the wall
        Arg2 : بالمعول
        Gloss: with the pickax
Roleset id: 02 , to talk openness
        Arg0: entity talking
        Arg1: utterance
صدع المؤمن بالحق
        Arg0 : المؤمن
        Gloss: the believer
        Arg1 : بالحق
        Gloss: with the truth