Predicate: OawodaY

Roleset id: 01 , to take the lives of / claim the lives of

        Arg0: agent - reason for loss of life
        Arg1: the loss of life - marked by ب


                    (PV+PVSUFF_SUBJ:3FS اودت)
                           (NOUN+CASE_DEF_NOM اعمال)
                             (NOUN+CASE_INDEF_GEN عنف)))))
                      (PREP ب)
                          (REL_PRON ما))
                            (-NONE- *T*-6))
                            (NOUN+CASE_DEF_ACC بين)
                                (NOUN_NUM 600))
                              (CONJ و)
                                (NOUN_NUM+NSUFF_MASC_DU_GEN_POSS الفي)
                                  (NOUN+CASE_INDEF_GEN مدني))))))))))

        Arg0 : اعمال عنف
        Gloss: violent actions
        Arg1 : بما بين 600 والفي مدني .
        Gloss: between 600 and 2,000 civillians