Predicate: OafAD

Roleset id: 01 , to elaborate

        Arg0: speaker
        Arg1: subject gone into detail


      (PUNC ")
      (DET+NOUN+CASE_DEF_NOM الأقلف)
      (PUNC "))
        (PREP ل)
          (NOUN_PROP+CASE_DEF_GEN عبد)
          (NOUN_PROP الله)
          (NOUN_PROP+NSUFF_FEM_SG خليفة)))))
      (NOUN+CASE_INDEF_NOM سرد))
        (-NONE- 0))
          (IV3MS+IV+IVSUFF_MOOD:I يفيض)
            (-NONE- *T*-1))
            (PREP عن)
                (NOUN+CASE_DEF_GEN أحداث)
                  (POSS_PRON_3MS ه)))
              (CONJ و)
                (NOUN+CASE_DEF_GEN شخوص)
                  (POSS_PRON_3MS ه))))))))))

        Arg0 : -NONE-
        Gloss: He
        Arg1 : عن أحداثه و شخوصه
        Gloss: its events and characters

Roleset id: 02 , to fill, to overflowing, to overfill

        Arg0: entity filling
        Arg1: thing filled
        Arg2: whith what


أفاض * الإناء بالماء

        Arg0 : *? NONE
        Gloss: NONE
        Arg1 : الإناء
        Gloss: the vessel
        Arg2 : بالماء
        Gloss: with water

Roleset id: 03 , to pour (out) (multi word expression)

        Arg0: entity pouring
        Arg1: things poured


أفاضت دموعها بحسرة

        Arg0 : ت
        Gloss: she
        Arg1 : دموعها
        Gloss: her tears