Predicate: OaDal~-i
Roleset id: 01 , to mislead, to lead astray
        Arg0: entity misleading
        Arg1: entity misleaded
        Arg2: from what
أضل الاب اولاده الطريق
        Arg0 : الاب
        Gloss: the father
        Arg1 : اولاده
        Gloss: his children
        Arg2 : الطريق
        Gloss: the road
Roleset id: 02 , to annul, to cancle , to abolish
        Arg0: entity caceling
        Arg1: things canceled
        Arg2: entity effected by the cancelation
أضل الله أعمالهم
        Arg0 : الله
        Gloss: God
        Arg1 : أعمال
        Gloss: the works
        Arg2 : هم
        Gloss: they