Predicate: HA$-u

Roleset id: 01 , stopped somedoby, arrested

        Arg0: arrester
        Arg1: arrested


حاش الشرطي اللص

        Arg0 : الشرطي
        Gloss: the policeman
        Arg1 : اللص
        Gloss: the thief

Roleset id: 02 , gathering,guiding toward

        Arg0: entity gathering
        Arg1: things collected


حاش الراعي اغنامه

        Arg0 : الراعي
        Gloss: the shepherd
        Arg1 : اغنامه
        Gloss: his sheep

Roleset id: 03 , metaphor ( far from hapening or being)

        Arg1: doer
        Arg2: from what


حاش الله ان يكذب

        Arg1 : الله
        Gloss: God
        Arg2 : ان يكذب
        Gloss: To lie