Predicate: Eazam-i

Roleset id: 01 , to resolve or determine to

        Arg0: entity determining
        Arg1: on what


عزم الطالب على النجاح

        Arg0 : الطالب
        Gloss: the studant
        Arg1 : على النجاح
        Gloss: to success (Usually come after على)

Roleset id: 02 , to enchant, to spellbind

        Arg0: entity enchating


عزم الراقي

        Arg0 : الراقي
        Gloss: enchanter

Roleset id: 03 , to command, to emphasize

        Arg0: the commander
        Arg1: to do what
        Arg2: the commanded (Usually come after على)


عزم * عليه البقاء

        Arg0 : * ? NONE
        Gloss: NONE
        Arg1 : البقاء
        Gloss: to stay
        Arg2 : عليه
        Gloss: on him

Roleset id: 04 , to invite

        Arg0: invitor
        Arg1: for what
        Arg2: entity invited


لم يعزم سالم اخاه في زواجه

        Arg0 : سالم
        Gloss: Salim
        Arg1 : في زواجه
        Gloss: in his wedding
        Arg2 : اخاه
        Gloss: his brother