Predicate: Eavar-u

Roleset id: 01 , to discover, find

        Arg0: agent,finder
        Arg1: thing found, discovery


(S (NP-TPC-1 (it/he M-hu M -هُ))
                      (VP (discover/come_across/find+he/it MEavara M عَثَرَ)
                          (NP-SBJ-1 (-NONE- XTX))
                          (NP-TMP (yesterday MOamosi M أَمْسِ))
                          (PP-CLR (on/above MEalaY M عَلَى)
                                  (NP (corpse Mjuv~api M جُثَّةِ)
                                      (NP (young_man M$Ab~K M شابٍّ))))
                          (PP-LOC (PP (in Mfiy M فِي)
                                      (NP (gulf Mxaliyji M خَلِيجِ)
                                          (NP (Aden_ MEadon M عَدْن))))
                                  (PP (facing/in_front_of MqubAlapa M قُبالَةَ)
                                      (NP (the+Mukalla MAlmukal~A M المُكَلّا)))))))
             (PUNC ,)

        Arg0 : XTX
        Gloss: NP-SBJ-1 (-NONE- *T*)
        Arg1 : EalaY juv~api $Ab~K
        Gloss: a body of a young man
        Arg2 : fiy xaliyji Eadon qubAlapa Almukal~A
        Gloss: in front of the Mukalla in the gulf of Aden
        Argm-tmp : Oamosi
        Gloss: yesterday