Predicate: Aitohadar
EGYPTIAN ARABIC Framefile based on hadar-vRoleset id: 02 , to be spent uselessly
        Arg0: entity spenting
        Arg1: things spent
        Arg2: manner or how
(CONJ وَ)
(NEG_PART لا))
(IV2MS+IV تُهدِر)
(-NONE- *))
(NO_FUNC كرامتنا)))
(PREP عَلَى)
(NOUN أَيْدِي)
(NOUN نِظام)
(POSS_PRON_2MS َك)))))))
(CONJ فَ)
(IV1P+IV نِهُون)
(-NONE- *))
(PREP عَلَى)
(NOUN غِير)
(POSS_PRON_1P نا)))
        Arg0 : * NONE
        Gloss: NONE
        Arg1 : كرامتنا
        Gloss: our dignity
        Arg2 : على ايدي نظامك
        Gloss: on the hands of your regime