Predicate: AisotanobaT

EGYPTIAN ARABIC based on {isotanotaj

Roleset id: 01 , to conclude , deduce , infer, conclude from facts

        Arg0: agent, entity now believing something
        Arg1: source of belief
        Arg2: belief


  (CONJ و)
    (IV1P+IV+IVSUFF_MOOD:I نستنتج)
      (-NONE- *))
      (PREP من)
        (NOUN+NSUFF_FEM_PL+CASE_DEF_GEN تصريحات)
          (NOUN_PROP موسى))))
      (SUB_CONJ ان)
          (PRON_3MS ه))
          (PV+PVSUFF_SUBJ:3MS لمس)
            (-NONE- *T*-1))
            (NOUN لدى)
              (NOUN+CASE_DEF_GEN رئيس)
                (NOUN+CASE_DEF_GEN مجلس)
                  (DET+NOUN+CASE_DEF_GEN النواب)))))
              (NOUN+CASE_INDEF_ACC ترحيباً))
            (CONJ و)
                (NOUN+CASE_INDEF_ACC التزاماً))
                (PREP ل)
                    (NOUN+CASE_DEF_GEN عقد)
                      (DET+NOUN+NSUFF_FEM_SG+CASE_DEF_GEN القمة)))
                  (CONJ و)
                      (DET+NOUN+CASE_DEF_GEN الاهتمام))
                      (PREP ب)
                        (PRON_3FS ها))))))))))))
  (PUNC .))

        Arg0 : *
        Gloss: -NONE-
        Arg1 : من تصريحات موسى
        Gloss: from Mousa's declarations
        Arg2 : انه لمس *T*-1 لدى رئيس مجلس النواب ترحيباً و التزاماً لعقد القمة و الاهتمام بها
        Gloss: That he found that the President of the House of Representatives is welcoming and he is committed to hold the summit and he will take care of it