Predicate: AisotahowaY

Roleset id: 01 , to attract, to impress

        Arg0: agent/things attracting
        Arg1: entity atracted


استهوى الخطيب قلوب الجميع

        Arg0 : الخطيب
        Gloss: the speaker
        Arg1 : قلوب الجميع
        Gloss: everybody's heart

EGYPTIAN ARABIC Framefile based on {isotahowaY-v

Roleset id: 02 , to catch chill

        Arg1: entity catching chill


        (DET+NOUN_NUM+NSUFF_FEM_SG الواحْدَة))
        (NOUN كِدَه))
        (ADJ مُمْكِن))
        (-NONE- 0)
            (IV3FS+IV تِستَهوَى)
              (-NONE- *T*-1))
              (SUB_CONJ لَمّا)
                  (DET+NOUN الشَّمْس))
                  (IV3FS+IV تِضْرَب)
                    (-NONE- *T*-2))
                    (PREP فِي)
                      (NOUN دِماغ)
                        (POSS_PRON_3FS ها)))))))))))
    (CONJ وِ)
        (IV3FS+IV تِرْجَع)
          (-NONE- *))
          (PREP لِ)
            (DET+NOUN التَكْيِيف)))))))

        Arg1 : *T* -1 الواحْدَة
        Gloss: she
        Argm-tmp : لما الشمس تضرب في دماغها
        Gloss: when the sun hit her in her head