Predicate: AiDoTar~

EGYPTIAN ARABIC based on {iDoTar~

Roleset id: 01 , forced to do something/ obliged to

        Arg0: causal agent
        Arg1: obligated entity
        Arg2: obligation


(S (VP (compel/force/oblige+he/it M{iDoTar~a- M اِضْطَرَّ-)
                                 (NP-SBJ (-NONE- X))
                                 (NP-OBJ (it/him M-hu M -هُ))
                                 (PP-CLR (to/towards MIilaY M إِلَى)
                                         (NP (pursuance/close_attachment/adhesion MmulAzamapi M مُلازَمَةِ)
                                             (NP (the+bed MAlfirA$i M الفِراشِ))))
                                 (NP-ADV (NP (based_on/according_to MbinALF M بِناءً))
                                         (PP (on/above MEalaY M عَلَى)
                                             (NP (instructions MtaEoliymAti M تَعْلِيماتِ)
                                                 (NP (the+physician/doctor MAlT~abiybi M الطَّبِيبِ)
                                                     (the+processor/CPU MAlmuEAliji M المُعالِجِ))))))))))))
   (PUNC .))

        Arg0 : X
        Gloss: NP-SBJ (-NONE- *)
        Arg1 : -hu
        Gloss: him
        Arg2 : IilaY mulAzamapi AlfirA$i
        Gloss: toward the obligation of staying in bed
        Argm-ADV : binALF EalaY taEoliymAti AlT~abiybi AlmuEAliji
        Gloss: according on the insctruction of the doctor


(S (VP (compel/force/oblige+it/they/she M{iDoTar~at- M اِضْطَرَّت-)
                                  (NP-SBJ-3 (-NONE- XTX))
                                  (NP-OBJ (it/him M-hu M -هُ))
                                  (PP-CLR (to/towards MIilaY M إِلَى)
                                          (NP (NP (NP (the+residency/setting_up MAlIiqAmapi M الإِقامَةِ))
                                                  (PP (inside_of MdAxila M داخِلَ)
                                                      (NP (building/structure MmabonaY M مَبْنَى)
                                                          (NP (the+council/board MAlmajolisi M المَجْلِسِ)
                                                              (the+representative/delegated/deputed MAln~iyAbiy~i M النِّيابِيِّ)))))
                                              (PP-TMP (for/to Mli- M لِ-)
                                                      (NP (NP (period_of_time/interval M-mud~api M -مُدَّةِ)
                                                              (NP (week MOusobuwEK M أُسْبُوعٍ)))
                                                          (PP (on/above MEalaY M عَلَى)
                                                              (NP (the+less/least/smaller/smallest/minimum MAlOaqal~i M الأَقَلِّ)))
                                                          (SBAR (WHNP-4 (-NONE- X0X))
                                                                (S (S (VP (be_arrogant/be_portentous+it/they/she MtaEAZamat M تَعاظَمَت)
                                                                          (PP-TMP (during/through MxilAla- M خِلالَ-)
                                                                                  (NP (NP (it/him M-hu M -هُ))
                                                                                      (NP-4 (-NONE- XTX))))
                                                                          (NP-SBJ (the+rally/demonstration MAlt~aZAhurAtu M التَّظاهُراتُ))))
                                                                   (and/so Mfa- M فَ-)
                                                                   (S (VP (shatter/crack/yield/submit+he/it M-raDaxa M -رَضَخَ)
                                                                          (NP-SBJ (the+rule/government MAlHukomu M الحُكْمُ))))
                                                                   (PUNC .)
                                                                   (PUNC .)
                                                                   (PUNC .)
                                                                   (and Mwa- M وَ-)
                                                                   (S (VP (be_published/be_issued+he/it M-Sadara M -صَدَرَ)
                                                                          (NP-SBJ (decree/ordinance/statute Mmarosuwmu M مَرْسُومُ)
                                                                                  (NP (reclamation/recovery/retraction MAisotirodAdi M اِسْتِرْدادِ)
                                                                                      (NP (the+privilege MAlAimotiyAzi M الاِمْتِيازِ)))))))))))))))))))))))))))
   (PUNC .))

        Arg0 : XTX
        Gloss: NP-SBJ-3 (-NONE- *T*)
        Arg1 : -hu
        Gloss: him
        Arg2 : IilaY AlIiqAmapi dAxila mabonaY Almajolisi Aln~iyAbiy~i li- -mud~api OusobuwEK EalaY AlOaqal~i taEAZamat xilAla- -hu Alt~aZAhurAtu fa- -raDaxa AlHukomu wa- -Sadara marosuwmu AisotirodAdi AlAimotiyAzi
        Gloss: to stay in the deputy center for a week at least during the riots...