all args (-) | |
| |
ArgM-TMP: | WHEN HURRICANE Hugo careened through the Caribbean and the Atlantic coast states |
Arg0: | it |
REL: | shot |
Arg1: | coconuts |
Arg2-through: | cottage rooftops |
person: ns
tense: past
aspect: progressive
voice: active
form: participle
unmentioned projectiles (-) | |
| |
Arg0: | they |
REL: | shooting |
Arg2-at: | *trace* -> what in the world |
person: ns
tense: present
aspect: progressive
voice: active
form: participle
weird kind of target (-) | |
| |
Arg0: | People |
REL: | shooting |
Arg2-for: | a dream |
Arg3:specific location of wound
just corpse (-) | |
| |
REL: | shot |
Arg1: | *trace* -> another |
person: ns
tense: present
aspect: ns
voice: active
form: full
friendly fire (-) | |
| |
Arg0: | Conservatives |
REL: | shoot |
Arg1: | their own |
person: third
tense: past
aspect: ns
voice: passive
form: participle
with explicit wound (-) | |
| |
ArgM-TMP: | The first time |
REL: | shot |
Arg1: | *trace* -> he |
Arg3-in: | the hand |
ArgM-TMP: | as he chased the robbers outside |
person: ns
tense: past
aspect: ns
voice: active
form: full
with weapon (-) | |
| |
Arg0: | Mary |
REL: | shot |
Arg1: | John |
Arg2-with: | a rubber band |
shoot film (-) | |
| |
ArgM-TMP: | In 1976 |
ArgM: | as a film student at the Purchase campus of the State University of New York |
Arg0: | Mr. Lane |
REL: | shot |
Arg1: | ``A Place in Time,'' a 36-minute black-and-white film about a sketch artist, a man of the streets |
Watch for manner adverbials: shoot in black-and-white, for example.
Arg0:causer of motion
Arg1:entity in motion
Arg3:start point
Arg4:end point
usually shoot up (-) | |
| |
Arg1: | The Dow industrials |
REL: | shot |
Arg5-DIR: | up |
Arg2-EXT: | 23 points |
ArgM-TMP: | in the opening hour |
ArgM-CAU: | at least in part because of buy programs generated by stock-index arbitrage, a form of program trading involving futures contracts |
person: ns
tense: present
aspect: ns
voice: active
form: full
sometimes down (-) | |
| |
Arg1: | the prices of gold and other precious-metals stocks |
REL: | shoot |
Arg5-DIR: | up and down |
If you haven't seen quantifiable-motion verbs before (and how have you managed that, exactly?) look at 'rise' or 'fall' for additional examples.
Arg1:cannon, mouth, whatever
blah blah blah (-) | |
| |
Arg0: | John |
Argm-TMP: | forever |
REL: | shooting off |
Arg1: | his mouth |
I really thought this would occur in wsj.
Arg1:planes, birds, ideas
instrumental subject (-) | |
| |
Arg2: | *trace* -> that -> no SDI ideological weapon |
ArgM-MOD: | can |
REL: | [ shoot] [ down] |
Arg1: | them |
person: ns
tense: past
aspect: ns
voice: active
form: full
agentive subject (-) | |
| |
Arg0: | they |
REL: | [ shot] [ down] |
Arg1: | a Korean Air Lines jetliner |
ArgM-LOC: | over the Sea of Japan |
ArgM-TMP: | in 1983 |
maybe hearer can't occur (-) | |
| |
ArgM-DIS: | And |
ArgM-TMP: | when he's told ``Try a little tenderness |
Arg0: | he |
REL: | [ shoots] [ back] |
Arg1: | I'm going home to try a little linguine |