trump-v; 5 Senses

Sense Number 1: TRUMP UP: Invent or exaggerate.

Commentary: Is: TRUMP UP

Police will trump up charges in order to hold suspects.
Lots of wingnuts like to trump this up as an 'issue'.
There are those that like to trump up differences between certain cliques.

VerbNet: NP
FrameNet: NP
PropBank: NM
WordNet Verb Particle Constructions, Multiword Expressions:
trump_up 1

Sense Number 2: Produce a sound as if from a trumpet; also a euphemism for passing gas.

He voice trumped loudly down the hall.
I was so afraid I was going to trump in public!
Swans trump during mating season.

VerbNet: NP
FrameNet: NP
PropBank: NM
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 1

Sense Number 3: Get the better of, as during comparison.

The only goal was to trump the competition.
I'd like to trump his greatness by winning a Super Bowl ring.
Grandmother could always trump everyone else's stories.

VerbNet: NP
FrameNet: NP
PropBank: trump.01
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 2

Sense Number 4: Proclaim or announce with or as with a fanfare.

Commentary: Includes: TRUMP OUT
NOTE: Unlike Sense 2, this sense must indicate something through the trumping action.

He really likes to trump his work virtues during meetings.
Bassoons trumped the entrance of the king.
Church bells all over the city trumped out the news of the couple's marriage.
Tulips trump the arrival of Spring.

VerbNet: NP
FrameNet: NP
PropBank: NM
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 4
WordNet Verb Particle Constructions, Multiword Expressions:
trump_out 1

Sense Number 5: Play a trump card, with the result of winning a hand; be a trump card or a higher trump card.

Commentary: Includes: TRUMP OUT

Trump out with a king to get control of the game at this point.
Two trumps Queen for the win.

VerbNet: NP
FrameNet: NP
PropBank: NM
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 3