tariff-n; 3 Senses

Sense Number 1: government tax imposed on some imports and exports

Commentary: TARIFF[+quantity][+money][+tax][+import_export]

Higher tariffs between these nations may result in a trade war.
How much is the tariff on that luxury import sportscar?

PropBank: tariff.01
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 1

Sense Number 2: a list or schedule of government import/export taxes

Commentary: TARIFF[+entity][+document][+schedule][+tax][+import_export]

The declaration form explains the tariff on different amounts and types of goods.

PropBank: NM
WordNet 0.0 Sense Numbers: 1a

Sense Number 3: a table of charges at a hotel or restaurant

Commentary: TARIFF[+entity][+document][+table][+charge][+business]

The tariff on the hotel room was listed in small print at the bottom of the form.
The menu indicated the tariff and gratuity that is automatically factored in.

PropBank: NM
WordNet 0.0 Sense Numbers: 1b