state-n; 4 Senses

Sense Number 1: nation

Commentary: a politically organized body of people under a single government (1) state>Soviets, (3) state>ally, (6) country>Cuba

the state has lowered its income tax.
Fascism holds that individuals are less important than the state.
Six states have ratified the treaty.
"He visited several European countries".
The army conquered three sovereign states in a month.

WordNet 1.7 Sense Numbers: ?

Sense Number 2: one of the constituent administrative districts of a nation

Commentary: like the states that make up the United States (2) state>Goa

his state is in the deep south.
Canada is divided into provinces, not states.
Wine may not be shipped from California to the state of Massachusetts.

WordNet 1.7 Sense Numbers: ?

Sense Number 3: the conditions and attributes that define something

Commentary: (4) state>end, (7) state(informal), (8) state

the current state of knowledge
the solid state of water is called ice
She left her department in a sorry state.
He decided not to travel there, given the state of things.
They were in a state of mental frenzy.
he was in such a state you just couldn't reason with him

WordNet 1.7 Sense Numbers: ?

Sense Number 4: U.S. Dept. of State

Commentary: the federal department of government that sets and maintains foreign policies (5) State

"the Department of State was created in 1789".
She works for the State Department.
The CIA and State waged an internal battle over policies on terrorism.

WordNet 1.7 Sense Numbers: ?