sentimentalize-v; 2 Senses

Sense Number 1: look at or indulge in sentiment

We should not sentimentalize cultural populism or philistinism.
He must never try to sentimentalize this man.
Some of McCullers' ourcasts seem sentimentalized to me.
I tried not to sentimentalize.
And only a fool or a fraud could sentimentalize its cruel reality.
His feelings are rendered without an adult's tendancy to sentimentalize.

VerbNet: NP
FrameNet: NP
PropBank: NM
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 1, 3

Sense Number 2: make sentimental

Somehow her clear message has been sentimentalized into flower and candy giving
Quinn doesn't sentamentalize or demonize either the Europeans or the Indians.
Movies do sentimentalize that ritual, I think.
The older sister's love for the younger might sentimentalize the story.
The opera lavishly sentimentalizes unrequited love.

VerbNet: NP
FrameNet: NP
PropBank: sentimentalize.01
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 2