Commentary: Syntax Is: NP1[agent[animate]] ROAR
The mouse turned the tables and roared at the lion.
A zoo visitor says man roared at a tiger.
The monster roared in pain.
The audience roared in laughter at the comedienne.
VerbNet: animal_sounds-38,sound_emission-43.2
FrameNet: Make_noise,Communication_noise
PropBank: roar.01
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 3, 5, 6
Commentary: Syntax Includes: NP1[theme[inanimate]] ROAR (ADVP[manner]) PP[directional] NP1[agent[animate]] ROAR (ADVP[manner]) PP[directional] Includes: ROAR OFF
NOTE: in this sense 'roar' does not JUST refer to the sound an NP makes but also (in the case of an animate NP1) the manner in which NP1 moves.
The wind roared through the trees.
The deparados roared down the hill on lathered horses.
Johnny jumped in the car and roared off into the sunset.
A winter avalanche roared towards the small village.
The tornado roared all around us.
VerbNet: sound_emission-43.2,weather-57
FrameNet: Motion_noise,Cause_impact,Make_noise
PropBank: roar.02
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 1, 4
WordNet Verb Particle Constructions, Multiword Expressions:
roar_off 1
Commentary: Syntax Includes: NP1[agent[human]] ROAR (PP) NP1[agent[human]] ROAR SCOMP
NOTE: Usually precedes or follows a direct quotation. When it doesn't, as in example 2, it is explicitly stated that words are being used.
'Get out!' He roared at the cat.
Matt roared that Mary was lazy.
She roared, 'I declare this cave to be my castle!'
VerbNet: manner_speaking-37.3
FrameNet: Communication_noise
PropBank: NM
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 2