restriction-n; 3 Senses

Sense Number 1: a state of limitation, as physical or cognitive

Commentary: RESTRICTION[+state][+limitation][+physical/+emotional/+cognitive]
NOTE: implies a natural contingency responsible for the limitation
NOTE: does not imply a general principle, but some specific situation or contingency

Bob has experienced some restriction of movement in his left arm after the accident.
At one time the Van Allen Belt was believed to pose a restriction to human space travel. (natural hazard)
The restrictions of our visual capabilities do not hold for bees, which can also see ultraviolet light.

WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 1

Sense Number 2: a regulation, a rule

Commentary: RESTRICTION[+symbolic][+rule][+legal/+linguistic/+combinatoric]
NOTE: implies a general principle that can be stated as a rule

The airlines have placed a restriction on the number of carry-on bags per passenger.
You must accept the restrictions on the use of this software before purchasing it.
Some restrictions apply.
Selectional restrictions dictate what sorts of arguments verbs may take, e.g., agent, patient, instrument.
Restriction enzymes have advanced molecular biology tremendously because they always cut DNA at identical points along the sequence. (they follow rules)
The military curfew has placed restrictions on where civilians may go after dark. (decrees)


Sense Number 3: the act of confining, preventing or blocking something

Commentary: RESTRICTION[+action][+circumscribing][+blocking/+confining/+preventing]
NOTE: implies a specific action undertaken by an intentional agent

The doctor advised restriction of activity until the swelling in the ankle goes down.
This study examines possible benefits of fasting and calorie restriction for those suffering mental disorders of aging.
Raising the interest rates is a move intended to create restrictions on how much money flows into the economy. (it is an effect or consequence, not a decree)

WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 3