Commentary: REALISM[+state][+mental][+attitude][+pragmatic]
NOTE: refers to an ongoing attitude or viewpoint
The new CEO is known for his realism and his work ethic.
The economic summit was marked by a new spirit of realism.
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 1
Commentary: REALISM[+state][+external][+actual][-hypothetical]
NOTE: refers to an overall external situation
He hasn't yet grasped the realism of his brother's terminally-ill condition.
For a few hours at night, in the cabarets, they could shut out the realism of the war.
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 3
Commentary: REALISM[+quality][+lifelike]
NOTE: refers to a natural-looking or lifelike attribute of some entity
The realism of the faces on the wax figures was truly amazing.
The critics love the earthy realism of the playwright's characters.
WordNet 0.0 Sense Numbers: 2
Commentary: REALISM[+activity][+undertaking][+movement][+artistic][+fidelity][+to_nature]
The museum's new exhibit includes some interesting examples of French realism.
The literature class will cover several major representative authors of 19th-century realism.
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 4
Commentary: REALISM[+state][+mental][+belief][+independence][+of_existence][+of_external_world][+outside_mind]
Plato's work represents an important early formulation of realism, that objects truly exist in the world apart from our thinking about them.
The physicist thought arguing for, or against, realism versus nominalism was a complete waste of time.
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 2, 5