Commentary: POLARITY[+relation][+diametrical][+contrast][+opposition]
NOTE: implies -two- entities, concepts, traits in opposition to each other
Their world view postulates a fundamental polarity between male and female.
The Cold War's clear-cut polarities no longer define political reality.
He viewed it as a balanced polarity between good and evil.
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 1
Commentary: POLARITY[+state][+charge][+electromagnetic][+positive/+negative]
The strength of the magnetic field peaks immediately after switching polarity.
It exhibits polarity when presented to a magnetic needle.
He got the polarity of the battery reversed.
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 2
Commentary: POLARITY[+quality][+structure][+differentiated][+growth][+biological]
NOTE: refers to differentiation in organic physical structures, usually exhibited at the ends of the structure.
The polarity of this fly is evidenced by the difference in the anterior and posterior sections of the body.
It's an undifferentiated mass of cells without noticeable polarity.
WordNet 0.0 Sense Numbers: 1c