misrepresent-v; 2 Senses

Sense Number 1: represent inaccurately; be a poor representation of

Commentary: Syntax Is: NP1[topic] MISREPRESENT NP2
NOTE: Compare carefully to Sense 2: in Sense 1, NP1 is NOT and agent and does not misrepresent volitionally.

Today's Guardian article misrepresents the views of the Baghdad advisers.
The motion picture Titanic misrepresents the social codes of the wealthy.
Many of these claims misrepresented the scientific evidence.

VerbNet: NP
FrameNet: NM
PropBank: misrepresent.01
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 1

Sense Number 2: fake; give a misleading representation of

Commentary: Syntax Is: NP1[agent] MISREPRESENT NP2
NOTE: Agent can exist as a group.

He misrepresented his credentials to the hiring committee.
The company misrepresented the rechargeable battery used in its iPod.

VerbNet: NP
FrameNet: Prevarication
PropBank: misrepresent.01
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 2