manoeuvre-v; 2 Senses

Sense Number 1: direct action for an advantage

Commentary: Syntax includes: NP1[agent] MANOEUVRE PP{P NP[predicate]}

At times they were nearly touching as they manoeuvred for position.
They manoeuvred for the first assault on King Harold's shield wall.
They manoeuvred tightly around the runway.
She manoeuvred to have the Norwegian Council recognize him as heir.
She manoeuvred earthly happenings so that Paris could have Helen.

VerbNet: np
FrameNet: np
PropBank: manoeuvre.01
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 2, 3

Sense Number 2: position, direct the motion of an object

Commentary: Syntax includes: NP1[agent] MANOEUVRE NP2[theme]

They manoeuvred this into the water .
They manoeuvred the plain wooden coffin down the steps.
They manoeuvred the tank from a different angle.
She manoeuvred the chair a little further back.
She manoeuvred her wheelchair.

VerbNet: np
FrameNet: np
PropBank: manoeuvre.01
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 1