grievance-n; 3 Senses

Sense Number 1: a state of resentment or grudge

Commentary: GRIEVANCE[+state][+situation][+resentment][+grudge]
NOTE: refers to an ongoing state of resentment for an alleged wrongdoing, not just a one-time verbal expression of the resentment (see Sense 3)

John had long nursed a grievance against his neighbor Bob for building an unsightly 3-car garage against his property line.
Failure to address these genuine grievances of the people in the projects may lead to rioting one day.

PropBank: grievance.01
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 1

Sense Number 2: legal complaint filed against an alleged wrongdoing

Commentary: GRIEVANCE[+event][+action][+official][+legal][+complaint][+of_wrongdoing]
NOTE: a formal action to file a legal complaint against someone for an alleged wrongdoing.

The town filed a grievance against the CEO for landing his private jet after hours at the local airport.
Three former staff members have filed a grievance against the congresswoman.

PropBank: grievance.01
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 2

Sense Number 3: a verbal complaint about some perceived wrongdoing

Commentary: GRIEVANCE[+event][+speech_act][+complaint][+of_wrongdoing]
NOTE: refers to the verbal complaint of someone about a perceived wrongdoing.

The manager invited his employees to air their grievances with him openly.
Sally excused herself from lunch early to avoid listening to all of Jane's grievances.

PropBank: grievance.01
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 3