grab-v; 3 Senses

Sense Number 1: sieze quickly or easily (and keep hold of)

NOTE: includes metaphorical usage
NOTE: includes attempts at grabbing
NOTE: compare to sense 2; metaphorical usages in this sense focus on 'possession' of object ('Grab power')
NOTE: compare to sense 2; physical usage focuses on grasping action with implied purpose of holding on (see 'door knob' example--could *not* be replaced by 'grab the door')

A teenage boy sees his girlfriend being grabbed by ghouls.
Ford grabbed the collar of his shirt from behind.
The Life-Science Center grabbed venture capital investment.
A gator was grabbed in Michigan and taken to the zoo.
Peter was just a tool for those who grabbed power by exploitation.
The robot Arthur will then grab the door knob, rotate it and open the door.
She grabbed for the child, but couldn't reach him.
I grabbed frantically for breath.

VerbNet: hold-15.1-1,obtain-13.5.2,steal-10.5-1
FrameNet: Manipulation,Taking
PropBank: grab.01
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 2, 3, 4, 5

Sense Number 2: catch to stop motion

NOTE: includes metaphorical usage
NOTE: compare to sense 1; metaphorical usages in this sense focus on temporary use of object ('Grab a taxi')
NOTE: compare to sense 1; physical usage focuses on temporary grasping for an alternate purpose (see 'door handle' example--could be replaced by 'grab the door')

So I grab the elevator to come up from my smoke break.
They then just grab the door and walk in after you.
I started to grab the door handle. 'What was behind this door?' I wondered.
He grabbed a taxi and headed downtown.
I immediately grabbed the subway.

VerbNet: hold-15.1-1,obtain-13.5.2
FrameNet: Manipulation
PropBank: grab.01
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 1

Sense Number 3: capture the attention or imagination of

The censorship battle grabbed headlines.
This book will really grab you.
This year's performance grabbed me by the heart.

VerbNet: NM
FrameNet: NM
PropBank: grab.01
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 6